Want To Join The Fight?
We offer multiple ways to get involved so we can offer a brighter future to even more children.
Give Time

By donating your time, you can help kids experience a brighter future. Chaperone field trips, assist with special event logistics or possibly mentor individual students or an entire classroom. All volunteers must pass a background check before engaging with youth.
Give Money

We cannot exist without the financial contributions of generous individuals and organizations. Contributions are tax-deductible under Section 501(c)(3).
Become A Sponsor

When you contribute to Fight for Life Foundation, you contribute to an individual’s future and the community as a whole.
Stay Informed

Sign up for our bi-weekly email newsletter
Spread The Word

Connect with us on social media.
Volunteer Your Time
There are a variety of ways to contribute, which can include helping us coordinate events, serving as chaperone, and more. If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer, please complete the form below.

Chaperone monthly field trips:
- Children’s Museum
- Living Room Theaters
- Sky Zone
- Indianapolis Zoo
- Pinheads Bowling

- December 11, 2024: Toy sorting, packaging loading and distribution
- December 13, 2024: Christmas Party management
- December 14, 2024: Christmas Party management
Your donation will provide learning materials.

Building Dreams materials for one student

Building Dreams materials for two students

Building Dreams materials for one classroom

Building Dreams materials for 20 students

Building Dreams materials for one school
Become A Sponsor
We have multiple levels of sponsorship, depending on your interest. Our levels include the below benefits.
• Marketing opportunities & brand visibility
• Event sponsorship opportunities
• Press release inclusion
Thank You To Our Sponsors
Without the support of our sponsors we would not be able to serve as many children as we do. We thank them for their continued support and welcome you to learn more about these valued organizations.