Building Dreams Champions Letter from Marlin

Seems like we were just at this point in time 1 year ago, early June and preparing to celebrate the educators, students, families, and supporters that are a part of how we are able to Advocate for Quality in life through our mission at the Fight for Life Foundation. We continue to Explore, Learn, and Grow from our experiences and understand how Quality in life is produced. This understanding informs how we help underserved youth develop the social and emotional skills needed to cultivate Quality in Life. As an organization the last year has taught us to value relationships that are well-intentioned and in alignment with who we are as a social impact focused non-profit agency . Through the Chaos we experienced at times in our relationships, lessons were learned from the losses and a strong foundation and infrastructure was revealed.

We are excited to have discovered how we can move forward operating efficiently as a team and provide systems that empower people, processes that guide execution, research that clearly articulates impact, and execute strategic collaborations that create a unique approach to providing a prevention and early intervention continuum of care model for vulnerable populations. This years Building Dreams Champions Breakfast will provide the opportunity to huddle up together at the Indianapolis Colts Farm Bureau Football Center to feel the Quality that has been produced within the schools, educators, and students we partner with and serve through the Building Dreams and Be A Blessing programs.

As the primary driver of Fight for Life I have been trying new things and failing, learning and growing from every experience, and continuing to move forward with curiosity. Being aligned with my experiences, our team, board members, and program partners, has embedded relational focused values that drive how we work. This collaborative, openminded, and adaptive mindset has empowered me to be a leader that understands that I don’t have all the answers and that no one individual does. Rather, it is diversity of experiences, thoughts, cultures, and values that creates acceptance of self and others and produces Quality.

Do you have Quality? Do you seek Quality? If so, please come and connect with the Fight for Life network at the 2nd Annual Building Dreams Champions Breakfast!

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