Data, data, data, Can't you see?

The Fight for Life team is back in the office, and we are ready to hit the ground running in supporting our educators and schools through Building Dreams. We are highlighting data this week with our educators and spent some time diving into our Data Summarization feature.

When we think of data in schools, we probably think of attendance, grades, and standardized testing. But what happens when we collect data on interactions? Relationships? Ourselves? How does that give schools the information they need to best support their educators, students, and community?

With Building Dreams, every single data point collected represents an interpersonal interaction between students and their adult caregivers, whether it’s at school or at home. Schools are able to get a readout of this data for a student, a classroom, a grade level, or the entire school. Schools are able to set a time frame for the data pull in order to make sure they have the information they need.

Data Summarizations include a readout of First Downs + Extra Points (aka positive behavior recognition), Sacks + Red Zones (aka behavior that goes against the school’s core values), Flags (concerning circumstances), and engagement data including social-emotional learning videos and lessons. This data gives schools the information they need to advocate for their students and their building.

We all know that “numbers talk,” and we want to make sure that we give our schools the most accurate and impactful data they need.

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