Fight for Life Tech Updates

We are in the process of making several upgrades and updates to our software and service delivery, and we’re excited for you and your school community to experience them!

 NEW Onboarding Dashboard:

– Goes LIVE on July 29th for Teacher and Site Admin Users
– Designed to make the onboarding and training process for Building Dreams easier and more efficient
– More info coming soon

 NEW Teacher Remote App Feature:

– Goes LIVE before September 1st
– Simplified behavior action process for Teacher Users to quickly grant a First Down or give a Sack
– More info coming soon

 NEW Concerning Response Queue:

– Goes LIVE before September 1st
– Provides Site Admin Users with access to document responses to concerning responses (e.g. Red Zones, High Emotional Distress, Safety Flags)
– Helps Site Admin sort Concerning Responses by Level of Support Need and limits email notifications
– More info coming soon

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