Fight for Life’s Building Dreams program serves as the “ultimate interventionist”, utilizing data analytics to help students understand who they are, who they’re becoming, and what they’re capable of.
– Marlin Jackson
Source: TechPoint | Repost Fight for Life Foundation 8/16/2022 –
Marlin Jackson is known fondly to many Hoosiers as a key member of the Indianapolis Colts’ 2007 Super Bowl championship team. He was working hard to improve the lives of school children before his retirement from the National Football League in 2011.
Jackson’s Fight For Life Foundation launched in 2007 to help underserved youth develop the social and emotional qualities needed for success.
“The strategy behind our service delivery has always been, and continues to be, Social Emotional Learning (SEL),” said Jackson, the foundation’s Chief Executive Officer. “SEL is the process in which people acquire and apply the knowledge and skills necessary to manage emotions, feel and show empathy, set and achieve goals, and ultimately make responsible decisions.”
Fight For Life Foundation collects behavioral, mental, emotional and environmental data to help paint a clear picture of how students are learning and progressing fortheir support systems to provide them with appropriate and individualized attention to help them succeed.
“It has been vision, exploration to solve problems and collaboration with educators that has led Fight for Life to be known as a SaaS nonprofit agency that delivers a highly innovative program called Building Dreams,” said Jackson. “Our system helps our school partners create and manage school and classroom culture.”
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