The Arthur Dean Family Foundation (ADFF), has awarded the Fight for Life Foundation at the $75,000 level to expand social emotional learning supports! The conditions of the grant are as follows: ADFF staff will learn alongside FFLF through grant implementation, meeting periodically (with emphasis on the mid-way and annual points in time) on grant progress, including providing information related to conclusions, lessons learned, and/or status of objectives. Outcomes will be explored alongside FFLF, but not be limited to: A) Scaling social emotional learning support and Building Dreams infrastructure in schools so that children and youth may receive the support that they need to attend, engage, and thrive in school. B) Any data points related to how children and youth have benefitted from Building Dreams, including but not limited to school attendance, academic performance, behavioral/disciplinary issues, etc. C) Any lessons learned related to current conditions for students in schools.
Fight for Life is truly grateful for the continued support of the Arthur Dean Family Foundation. We could not execute our mission without community partners like the Arthur Dean Family Foundation.
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